How to Share Your Work (as a Financial Advisor)

An easy way to market yourself without feeling salesy

Remember Kenny Brooks? The door-to-door salesman who went viral when cat videos were still the most popular thing on YouTube?

He was known for funny lines and more importantly, product demonstrations:

Click to watch the original video
Consider this- would you rather buy something when a salesman is justtellingyou what it can do, OR after you'veseenwhat it can do?

People don't like to be sold, but they love to buy.

So don't tell them what you do, show them.

And for some inspiration, wanted to share a few more tangible examples of how to show what you do as part of your marketing process:

View the tweet
Why it Works: 1) speaks directly to a niche and 2) makes someone think about their own situation if they're currently working with an advisor
View the original post
Why it Works: Showing the plan & metrics someone would get as a client, speaking to a pain point of those with existing advisors (long, boring documents)
To help with this, I made the same one-page document I use for client check-in meetings available as a free templatehere

Last week, I finished & launched Thomas' new personal website:

In the past two days, I've gotten two new website project leads.

I didn't ask for anyone's business or try to educate about the importance of web design—I just shared my work on Twitter and people who wanted something similar done for them ended up reaching out.

From my experience, the same strategy works for marketing financial planning as a service.Share how you help—whether it be videos, graphics, articles, or all the above—and put it in front of the people you want to work with.

Different Ways to Share Your Work

Josh Spector is one of my favorite creators to follow. He shares regular content to help creative entrepreneurs grow their audience & build better businesses.

While the below tips aren't tailored for financial advisors, the general ideas of each can be applied when thinking about how to market yourself & your business online:

And below are my thoughts on a few of the points:

1) Rather than educating about a Roth IRA, record a video & screenshare actually setting one up. Tutorial videos can perform well on YouTube too.

2) You're meeting with clients and answering questions every day. We have unlimited content to create, you just need to figure out what formats work best—articles, videos, short podcast episodes.

3) Similar to client success stories/case studies, you can anonymously share client wins or unique problems you help solve. The more you put yourself out there, the more you become known for the things you talk about.

4) You could easily curate a list of publicly-available tools you use to help clients, or share any grouping of resources to help someone on their financial journey

8) Sam Parr recently started a personal finance podcast for high net worth people, and the initial response is overwhelmingly positive (view tweet). There are a lot of basic personal finance podcasts out there, but very few that share "post-success" stories from the other side—and in the world of content, different stands out.

View Tweet

While this post didn't get a lot of engagement, I think it's a great example of sharing your work:

View Eric's Tweet

Side note: It's surprising how many people never engage with your work, yet end up reaching out/becoming a client. You never know who's watching and the only way to make the most of an online presence is always showing up & putting out your best work.

To improve this tweet, I would bullet point a few of the most relevant wins, maybe turn it into a graphic—and then write a full blog post about it. There are a lot of key points here for a Twitter post and if titled correctly, I think would perform well via search over time. Then a few hours after the initial tweet, I would reply to the original tweet with a link to the blog to read more. This gets those who are interested onto your site and in an ideal world, is structured to convert visitors into clients.

Take a look at the original post and consider what you could share each week based on conversations & planning tasks with clients

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