Financial Education at Scale

February 27, 2023
min read

Since I started my firm back in 2020, my goal hasn’t been to build the biggest, most profitable RIA in the country.

It’s been to make financial advice & education more accessible.

Subscription-based planning that was once $60/mo, one-time plans, and unlimited free content have been part of Phase I and have helped establish a framework.

Phase II of the mission begins soon.

→ Enter AllStreet Academy, the financial education we should’ve gotten in school

It’s going to be a 12-chapter video class breaking down what you need to know about personal financial planning in your 20s & 30s.

The plans have been to grow in two different ways:

  1. Employee wellness
  2. University distribution

Today, I talked with a director from my alma mater about getting all students access as part of their Student Debt Relief Program.

Once production of the class is finished, I plan to market it locally in Kansas City and do outreach to employers.

Ideally, we can sell seats/licenses to employers and colleges which gets us in front of unlimited new people (while getting paid) and because it’s a digital course, once we record it, there’s minimal maintenance and relatively high margins.

We’ll see what happens.