2 Ways to Add Videos to Your Website

May 13, 2024
min read

Video is one of the best ways to build trust.

Someone can hear your voice, see your mannerisms, and ultimately, learn more about you as a person before ever meeting you.

You can also "introduce" yourself & your business to anyone in the world.

I've talked about what to include in a welcome video in a past edition and been asked a few times about how to add them to a website, so this week is a short guide to the best two options:

Rather than uploading a video directly to your website, it's best to host them on a separate platform and 'embed' them on your site. This helps maintain proper site speed by not having a large file load every time the page is visited (which effects SEO).

I prefer Vimeo for design purposes as you can change the player colors & the different details shown, but below is an example of each:

Whichever you decide to use, you want to make sure of two things:

  • The video is titled appropriately
  • The thumbnail doesn't have key information covered by the player's icons.

Then when adding videos to your site, rather than leaving them as-is, spend a few minutes cleaning up the design.

Below is a before & after of a current website redesign I'm working on:

  • Better spacing
  • Rounded corners
  • Light background shadows
  • Thumbnails that don't have overlapped text

If you can add video to your business' site, I'd highly recommend it.

I know it can be hard to get comfortable with, but I made a guide to getting started here, and if you'd like to submit a video for feedback before publishing, just send me an email at treyton@convertingattention.club

How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Website [Guide]

How to Embed a Vimeo Video on Your Website [Guide]

Club Read: What to Include in a Website Welcome Video