Design Matters

August 14, 2023
min read

How much of a difference would a 20% increase in discovery calls scheduled from your website make in your business?

If I had to guess, your closing rate once you get someone in front of you is extremely high - but the tough part is getting them there.

Believe it or not, intentional design plays a huge role in online business development.

For example, below is a comparison of two landing pages - Design B's conversion rate was 20.22% higher than Design A:


Why does Design B convert better?

  • Shows images of the end result // as an advisor, you can use sample financial plans & case studies on your website to show the end result throughout your site
  • Social proof // customer & publication logos
  • 3 checks // design balance & addressing common concerns
  • Descriptive headline // hits on a feeling, not just a feature

To make good design more difficult, you also have to consider mobile formatting. I've seen a lot of decent websites on desktop become completely illegible and unusable on mobile.

A large portion of your traffic is likely coming from people on a phone, so every device size needs to be optimized.

For example, here are a few advisor sites I've designed that partially resemble Design B to help put into the context of your own: