How to Capture & Convert Attention with ConvertKit [Video Tutorial]

September 25, 2023
min read

I've spent the past week preparing for the re-opening of AllStreet Academy this Friday, and it's reminded me about the importance of email marketing & being able to directly communicate with your following.

On launch day, we generated 69 sales directly from email and to help you get more subscribers (that you can market your own products & services to), I want to share a full video breakdown of how to:

  • Create email forms
  • Add a free PDF download
  • Set up drip sequences
  • Tag subscribers
  • And automate the whole process

First, you need a way for someone to give you their email - like a newsletter subscription or free guide/checklist.

I recommend having both and to make this a little bit easier, I made a PDF download here that you can use within your own marketing if you don't already have one (or would like to try something new).

Here's an example of what call-to-actions for both could look like on your website:

Newsletter - Free Book
Here's a video for how to set up the custom email forms for a PDF download & a newsletter within ConvertKit (other email tools likely have a similar process, but ConvertKit is what I recommend using):

Once someone subscribes, a confirmation email is going to be sent, like this:

For a newsletter, the button should say something like "confirm your subscription" and a PDF download could say "get the guide".

Whatever you do, make sure the default email text & subject line is updated to reflect your own voice & branding.

Then, once someone gives you their email, it's your job to manage it effectively.

I recommend having a short, automated sequence that gets sent to everyone who subscribes to the selected form to provide context & share more about who you are.

Here's a tutorial for how to set up a sequence, create an automation, and tag subscribers:

Here's a sample 3-email sequence I wrote that you can customize and copy-paste into your own email tool.

Once someone receives the sequence and starts the automation, it'll end with placing a "tag" on their email so you know what content they subscribed to:

An example of some of my own subscriber tags

Tags are so you can send subscribers more relevant content in the future.

For example, when someone downloads my Freelance Finances Made Simple eBook, they get tagged with "FFMS" so I can send updated versions or relevant news directly to them and nobody else in my email list.

Once you have subscribers on the list & they've gone through your preset automations, it's important to optimize your regular sending.

Stick with a regular time & date for your newsletter and use call-to-actions at the bottom (and within) every email, like this:

Rather than products & ad sales like Justin, you could promote your blog, podcast, and a free 1:1 discovery call

Once everything is set up and the sequences & automations are turned on, you've got what you need to start capturing & converting someone's attention.

All that's left is creating awareness around what you're doing and driving people to your website so they have a chance to subscribe to your newsletter/download your content.