How to Improve Your Calendar (& Client Onboarding) Experience

September 22, 2023
min read

The easiest improvement to make is the copywriting that goes on your calendar landing page.

Every scheduling tool has default names, descriptions, confirmation emails, etc.

To stand out and get people to feel more comfortable scheduling a call with you, you need to customize the experience & give context - like this:


In the two screenshots, you can visually see the difference but the key is in the writing and what's there—social proof, bullet point agenda, setting expectations.

For a different example, here's the calendar landing page for my design discovery calls:

🎡 When was the last time you reviewed (and updated) your calendar copywriting?

Emails & Onboarding

Once someone schedules a time, what happens next?

What does that first confirmation email look like?

What about the reminder emails?

How often are they sent & what messaging is included?

When someone schedules a call with AllStreet, they're sent a welcome email with a video intro that Thomas & I recorded together:

For certain meetings, reminders are also sent 48 & 6 hours beforehand that include checklists & agendas so the time spent is as efficient as possible:

These emails are likely the only communication you have with a potential client before meeting with them, so they need to be crisp & in your own voice.